function doPost() { var appl_no=document.getElementById('appl_no').value; var mob_no=document.getElementById('mob_no').value; // var email_id=document.getElementById('email_id').value; var pan=document.getElementById('pan_no').value; var txtPassword=document.getElementById('txtPassword').value; var txtpass2=document.getElementById('pass2').value; if(appl_no=="" || appl_no=="null") { alert("Please Enter Application Number"); return false; } else if(mob_no=="" || mob_no=="null") { alert("Please Enter Mobile Number"); return false; } // else if(email_id=="" || email_id=="null" || !validateEmailaddressAnnex(email_id)) // { // alert("Please Enter Valid Email Id"); // return false; // } else if(pan=="" || pan=="null" || !validatePanAnnex(pan)) { alert("Please Enter Valid PAN"); return false; } else if(txtPassword=="" || txtPassword=="null" || !isValidpass(txtPassword)) { alert("Please Enter Valid Password"); return false; } else if(txtPassword!=txtpass2) { alert("password and confirm password does not match"); return false; } else { encryptPassword(); /* var data = $('#frmSignUp').serialize(); //alert("hii"); $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: data, beforeSend: function () { $('#content').empty().append(''); } }).done(function(data) { $('#content').empty().append(data); return false; }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus) { $('#'+containerID).empty().append('
Request failed: ' + textStatus + '
'); }); // return true; }*/ return true; } } function validateEmailaddressAnnex(email) { //alert("in ValidateEmailaddress"); var mailformat = /^([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-])+\@([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-])+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3})$/;; if (email.length!=0) { if(!email.match(mailformat)) { alert("You have entered an invalid email address!"); //document.forms["page"]["emailadd"].focus(); // document.getElementById('email').value=""; //document.getElementById('email').focus(); return false; } else { //document.forms["page"]["emailadd"].focus(); return true; } }else { // alert("Please enter Email address!"); //document.forms["page"]["emailadd"].focus(); return false; } } function isValidpass(s) { // check for null or too short var pass=/.[!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~,-,(,)]/; if (!s || s.length < 8) { alert("Password should atleast 8 chracters"); return false; } else if(!s.match(pass)) { //document.forms["page"]["emailadd"].focus(); alert("Password format missmatch"); return false; } else { return true; } } function isValidmobno(mob){ var mob_no=/^[0-9]+$/; if(!mob.match(mob_no)){ alert("Mobile Number should be numeric"); return false; } else if(!mob || mob.length != 10) { alert("Mobile number should be 10 digit"); return false; } else{ return true; } } function checkPasswordMatch() { var txtPassword=document.getElementById('txtPassword').value; var txtpass2=document.getElementById('pass2').value; if(txtPassword!=txtpass2) { $("#msg").append("password and confirm password is not match"); return false; } else {$("#msg").empty();return true;} } function validatePanAnnex(pan) { //alert("in ValidateEmailaddress"); var exp = /^([a-z A-Z]{5,5})+([0-9]{4,4})+([a-z A-Z]{1,1})$/; if (pan.length!=0) { if(!pan.match(exp)) { alert("You have entered an invalid PAN!"); //document.forms["page"]["emailadd"].focus(); // document.getElementById('email').value=""; //document.getElementById('email').focus(); return false; } else { //document.forms["page"]["emailadd"].focus(); return true; } }else { // alert("Please enter Email address!"); //document.forms["page"]["emailadd"].focus(); return false; } }