Instructions for online Upload of Inter State PurChase and Stock Transfer and CST Demat Form Generation
- Login using Userid and Password as used during any e-service login such as e-filing of CST return.
- Download the Jar file
- Open the JAR file for Annexure and click on Annexure option to choose Annexure type viz. E & F
- Enter data to fill up form.Click 'Export to XML' button to validate data,generation of XML file and save XML file.The pattern for name of the XML file to be follwed as AnnexureE.xml for Annexure E.
- Click add row to insert more rows,if required.
- XML file requires to be generated even if there is no data for an annexure.
- Open the jar.Then enter return period and Registration number.Click 'Export to XML' to create XML file.
- Click Upload Link in Home page
- Upload both the XML files
- Click the Upload button
- Maximum 5 times XML files can be Uploaded
- Print Acknoledgement Receipt.