Instruction for Online Vat Return Preparer : 
1. Login using Userid and Password provided by Commercial Taxes.
2. Download Zip File and Save.
3. Logout.
4. Unzip to get a folder containing JAR file(s). .
a.  Main Form (CST Form 1 / VAT Form 14/14D)
b.  For CST an extra JAR file is given as for VAT the same JAR file contains the Annexures.
c.  User Manual
Fill up Form and click ' Save ' button to check entered Data and to save as well.
If check returns no error, the file will be saved in XML format. For VAT return only one XML file is requied. For CST 9 XML files are required.(Form 1 and 8 other annexures)
7. If check Dealer have to check the declaration check box to save the data fully other wise the XML(s) will be saved partially and cannot be uploaded.
Open the JAR file for Annexure and click on Annexure option to choose Annexure type(For CST).
Fill up the Annexure and click ' Export to XML ' to check entered data to  create XML file. Save the XML file with Annexure type as extention to file name e.g CST_ERETURN_ANNX_A.xml for  Annexure A.
If Any Annexure is not applicable , then enter return period and registration No. Then click 'Export to XML' button to create XML file.
Login again using Userid and Password. Click on the link ' File Dealer's Return ' to go to the next page.
12. Declare, whether Total Commercial Tax paid last year is less than 100,000.00 or not,enter the VAT Rc No. for which return has to be submitted, enter the return period, select the act VAT/CST. In case of VAT, select the options VAT Return 14/14D. Click on 'Upload Your XML Files' button which will redirect to dealer login page.
Upload XML Files.
Print Acknoledgement Receipt.
 *User ID:  
 *Password :